Wednesday, September 9, 2009


What! I can believe my eyes. My last post was in June. I am extremely bz actually and do not have time to sit infront of my computer. But today, the date is so special i can't resist to sit infront of my computer and post something to my blog. What a pretty date - 09/09/09. I must do something today with the date 'printed' on it. Well the easiest way is to post something to my blog and here i am.

I send sms to some of my family and close friends about their plan on this rare calender. Some said will open a bank account for thier kids. Some said, well i am supposed to get married today. Some said, i wish i will delivery my baby today. Hahaha. Some said well, this is just another ordinary day, nothing special.

One of my plans for this special date was to send hari raya greeting cards to family members and my close friends. But i failed to reach for the post office before the post office closed due to traffic jam. Anyway, i managed to capture today's date by opening a bank account and writting something bla bla bla here. Guys, u should see the date i posted this post. You will never see it again! LOL.

Well, thanks for being so patience reading. And see you again in ... errrm 10/10/2010?